Be shocked by what your soul has chosen
When I first discovered my soul contract, exploring different aspects of this, all the details that undergo what my soul chose, it turned out to be very different to what my mind believed I wanted for my life. Most people may find that where their soul wants to go may be very different to what they may feel their desire lies. One of the best ways of accessing your soul path is through your heart. Your soul is the outcome of your heart. I like to do a practice of connecting to my heart and attaining answers to any questions through my heart. I find the heart always knows, the heart does not lie and it tells you all you need to know about what you truly love, where your heart really lies. If you’re not sure where to go next in your life, ask your heart. Once you connect to your heart, let this lead you to your soul. According to the energy centres, the points in our energetic body represented by the soul, the solar plexus is one place this resides. So in this exercise, connect your heart to your solar plexus, and your soul will show you where you are heading in your soul path.
Everything comes down to feelings. By practicing the above exercise using feelings only, you WILL access your soul path. I like to soon write a blog on feelings alone, as feelings are the pillars of our essential bodily and emotional system, which is what guides us to our aligned path. What do your feelings say? How does it feel in your heart when you ask it a question? Your heart is not ego based, so be careful not to ask ego driven questions. Be humble and open with what you give and receive in this exercise. It took a lot of practice for me to connect to my heart and therefore my soul in this way, so be patient, but once you achieve this you will not be disappointed. Remember the answer will come in as a feeling. If the feeling is expansive and light it will usually mean “yes”, if it’s soft and not clear it will mean “neutral”, if it has a heavy and closed feeling it would be a “no”.
The shock factor here is that we are so disconnected to our hearts, that connecting to our soul becomes difficult. Especially as society has more and more encouraged this; you know the distractions, keeping us disconnected to ourselves, disconnected to our feelings, our spirit etc. But when you finally truly connect to your heart, practicing this exercise daily, you will find that fear dissipates and in fact encourages you to make braver choices in life, taking more risks, because your heart is the part of you that always knows your truth. So for example, I discovered that my soul path was heading towards a self-reliant path which is what I never before believed was my path, in fact I honestly truly believed that my soul wanted dependency within a family unit. I soon realised this was the exact thing I had to overcome, this was one of my karmas. And that my heart actually desired self-reliance and independence through a home sanctuary through nurturing myself and others. I found this and other aspects of my soul discovery very shocking as it was very different to what I believed. Whenever I felt into my soul path and heart, I found that more and more how unconventional my path felt to what I wanted for my life. So your soul is not a ‘want’ but rather what you ‘need’ to fulfil. I invite you to start connecting to your heart, asking questions and connect this to your soul to get a fuller picture of your soul path. One of the things I offer is soul colour path alignment, which outlines where your soul is heading based on the colours it represents, this a service offered as part of a full reading, visit to find out more.