We have all been coded
The language of source is numbers. We are here through these numbers; this is our specific vibration. Each one of us comes here with a specific code and on earth we start to learn how to unlock this code. Taking our name, the vibration that our soul chose to come here with, this itself holds the key to who you are. This is powerful stuff and brings with it such sacred knowledge that we as humans should be treating ourselves and this universe with the respect it deserves. Whenever you feel hatred for yourself, for something you did or for something that you feel, just remember your soul chose this! We are all responsible for ourselves and especially as we integrate more and take hold and remember who we actually are, this is what our soul chose for us.
So yes, going back to the first point, we all have numbers assigned to us! These numbers are codes that can be unlocked when we decide to be on our soul path. What I am essentially saying is that we have all been designed to be expressed a certain way, through a certain sound, to learn certain lessons, to grow in a specific direction. Through your soul contract you will see how each one of you has come here with specific gifts and talents (your strengths) and specific lessons your soul decided to learn (continued from ancestry and past lives), and specific goals your soul has set for you to attain in this life, as well as your soul destiny (your main purpose). The universe is a perfect design, all computed to clear what needs to be cleared and to grow what needs to be grown individually but ultimately contributing to the collective (the most important role of all).
Looking at this from the perspective of our individual coding, this begs the question of our free will. Where does our free will stand when we have all been designed? What does it mean for our free will when we have a soul path to follow (contracted before we came here)? I have been very interested in this concept myself. I have concluded a few things on this matter: 1. Yes we do have free will, we have this every day of our lives to the degree that we can choose not to be here as well. 2. The question of where our free will stands, all depends on what we are choosing. This is not clear cut. For example, if one day we chose not to attend somewhere that was planned, well this most likely will not cause any issues (although as we know for every action there is a reaction and even a potential new time line), however if on your soul contract it said that you were meant to go to a particular destination in order for your soul to learn something, then the drive that you decided not to make, may turn into another opportunity such as maybe your friend suddenly calls you and tells you that she is happy to drive to this destination so you don’t have to. This may be an opportunity for you now to take. If however you still decided not to go to this destination and it was in your soul contract to learn something here as mentioned previously, then the universe will more often than not continue on pushing you to learn this lesson. This means that maybe the lesson you needed to learn at this destination will now be learnt in another way. But it is important that you experience this learning, as your soul decided this. 3. What I am essentially saying is that if it’s on your soul contract, it will be very difficult to unfollow it, as you may be smacked in the face by the universe until the experience occurs! So yes although we do have free will, how we exercise this will all depend on what our soul has been contracted to experience and fulfil.