Ascension & the way through
This was always the plan, life and the universe created by divine source, designed perfectly to move forward and ascend. We are now presently in the time of ascension. So what is ascension? We have heard how Jesus went through ascension, and maybe we believed for a while that this can’t possibly happen in real life. Well it is happening and at this current moment on the planet, some of us are right on the cusp of completing this ascension. Ascension in simple form is the rising of our energetic body, our light body that is moving towards the 5D world. It is transformation of each individual, from the ‘old’ self to the ‘new’. Mother Gaia has already decided she is raising her vibration further through 5D, some souls have decided to be volunteers in this lifetime to be one of the first to ascend with her. Ascension is ultimately your body energetically moving to higher vibrations (so we can match mother Gaia in order to be living with her on planet earth). Many of us are ascending with her into the 5D world. In this process of ascension, you may experience symptoms such as: nausea, high sensitives (including to sound, and other people’s energies), headaches, difficulty sleeping, feeling exhausted for no reason, wanting to sleep all day, injuries from the past resurfacing, heart palpitations, ego death, emotional releases, triggers occurring in your life more than ever before, a sudden feeling of wanting to leave your career for something different, feeling lost and confused, unsure of who and what you are etc. Some of these symptoms may seem like depression or anxiety or even hormonal stages, however by experiencing the various symptoms you realise it is something quite different. The symptoms include physical, emotional and mental changes. This is a type of spiritual awakening. Through ascension we are essentially updating ourselves, to be more aligned to our soul path, to be better versions of ourselves, and in doing so we have to clear our karma. Soul alignment only happens when we clear our baggage that we have come here with, and more people now than ever before in this world are being encouraged to clear their karmas (current and past life lessons) in order to ascend. Ascension is waking you up to the who and what you truly are. In this process you may be shown your past lives to understand your soul blueprint, which will help dissolve the ego that no longer serves you. Messages or whispers of experiencing something or visiting a place is part of this; all included in your soul path to help you be guided through ascension. Everyone who goes through ascension will experience it slightly differently and at a different pace. This will all depend on what your soul chose for you before you entered this lifetime.
I myself have been experiencing two phases of ascension, and I have a podcast that you can listen to about my personal experience of this ( My soul decided to experience ascension fully like a constant rainfall non-stop for a period of almost 2 years. Even though it was slow enough for me to watch my own ascension, it was also a killer! During ascension I remember many times wondering why my soul would want this for me and how it could even possibly work as humans have never experienced ascension before on planet earth in this life time. But as you do with anything unknown, you have to enter it with eyes closed and use the magic ingredient of TRUST. In this process of ascension which for me was far more than I could ever imagine any human going through, I soon realised that I was either a robot or that I was one badass chick! On a serious note, ascension placed me on suicidal ideation many times, just wanting desperately for it all to end. However, with enough will, I persevered and hoped that it was exactly what I was told it would be, and that soon it will be over and that it will get easier in time. I was very curious to be honest with you to see what this whole thing would look like in the end, and to test myself in the most challenging phase of my life. My life has never been smooth or easy, but I have honoured my soul and accepted that it was never meant to be, and that these moments of difficulty where set up to push me to be more aligned to my true self, the self that is far more intuitive and empowered than my mind wanted to believe. I have experienced suicidal attempts before, pre and post-natal depression, but never has my life ever shown me my strengths like this ascension has. I am grateful for what I have learned about myself now, and know that if I can get through this ascension, then I can definitely get through anything!
In my experience through ascension and through my work as a counsellor, I have discovered a few things that helped me through this process. These can take practice but if you keep taking these steps, you soon become more aligned to this updated version of yourself as your sensitives guide you to ascend fully. Ascension means rebirth or resurrection, and this is what happened to me. More and more I became a new and updated version of myself, it was actually the self that was coded within my soul blueprint. So really I was learning to delete the broken me, and upgrade to the me that was coded to be incarnated in this life. The old me is the me that continued the pattern of wounds, of victim, of anger, of attracting toxic people, of being in boundary less relationships, of not honouring myself, of feeling unworthy and disempowered etc. These all completed the circle of ancestry lineage and past lives, where repeated wounds were played out. In this life time however, like most of us, I was now finally being asked to heal my wounds, clear my karmic lessons and finally work on my true missions in this life time in serving others. But I needed to serve myself first in order to do that.
The key element to any spiritual awakening, but particular this one, is SURRENDER. There is flow to processes, and unless we learn to be in complete flow to the give and take of life including the complete unknown, we will not be able to get through it, or at least not easily. The more we resist something, the worst the experience becomes (this is the same for all states, including depression). What this experience is teaching us more than anything is to listen and follow your senses. In this process, our senses are heightened more than ever. I have always been a sensitive person but this was another level altogether. For example, suddenly out of nowhere if I looked at meat in the supermarket, I would actually feel nauseous, there was no logic to this whatsoever, it was pure sense and because of such extreme sensitivity towards this I had no choice but to stop eating meat. This was one of many examples of my sensitivities. Another was being around people in shops or public transport; a very overwhelming experience. I would feel other people’s energies very intensely, to the point of crying and would escape to nature frequently because of it. These were one of the times where I really wondered how I can even do this. So the second most important practice here is connecting to your FEELINGS. I call this: using your heart mind. Your heart is your guide, and now during ascension you are being encouraged to use your thinking heart. Our heart is the most intelligent organ in our body, it has the potential to be more than what we have been told, so in this time of ascension we must use our HEART. By connecting to your heart daily and training yourself to be in this heart feeling body, you start transforming into a softer and lighter you. And by doing this you experience more love for people like you have never before, and by feeling love for everyone you realise that this love vibration is the ONLY way of moving through this change of 3D to 5D and connecting to others that you may feel are unlike yourself. The heart energy is what has to be used to be able to find unconditional love for all things, that means even people that you may not resonate with. The heart is the thread that connects all things. It is the central point of all universe. And without the heart, transformation cannot be complete. So connecting with your feelings and following this more is needed to align yourself with your truth and thus create an easier path to get through this ascension. This is the light way, unlike the dense 3D way. And by connecting and listening more to our feelings, using this as your guide, you start connecting to your inner WISDOM. Wisdom now becomes the knowing of how to move through this. There is too much information out there, too many repeated data that may be more and more irrelevant, but through your own wisdom (not knowledge through learning information), you become the master of your own life and finally find a way through this ascension and complete it with mastery. So by following your feelings you are igniting your wisdom. The ascension process will be easier for some compared to others, some I was told would suddenly ‘pop’ and be confused as to what had just happened. But whatever your soul decided to experience, this will be a different experience to other experiences in your life, and if you are struggling with it, just remember you will get through it and you will become an even more updated version of yourself living in a lighter heart filled planet once it is all complete. As part of my work I support people through their spiritual awakening journeys, including ascension, so please visit my website for more information: