Why don’t we talk about our emotions?
This question is something that has been baffling me for a while now: why do we struggle to be open about how we feel? This saddens me, as we know that humans are purely emotion (energy form), and so not being the truth of who we are is saddening and deeply shocking for me. I have noticed continuously how no matter what we go through there is very little talk or openness about the impact these situations have on our emotions. Myself, being an empath and highly sensitive, I feel very deeply and strongly so all my life I have been quite present with my feelings and struggled to be free with this because of the disconnect I saw in others that made me believe I should not honour how I feel.
Reason 1: Looking at this closely, I have concluded that one of the reasons for why we don’t talk about our emotions is our lack of awareness or consciousness into how we actually FEEL. You see many of us do not have the full or even close to full awareness of our feelings unfortunately. We may know something happened in our life that impacted us, but we do not go into the depths of the emotions enough and so we tend to internalise or spurt it out unconsciously. This is why we are now going through this awakening, because through consciousness we start learning who & what we are through our feelings and senses.
Reason 2: We have been conditioned or trained so well in believing that we are not worthy of being vulnerable and therefore open with how we feel, or another way of saying it is being open and free in who we are. This happens because we have been trained to be in survival mode (through trauma and experiences). If you were brought up in a household where you only talk when you are talked to or that you must follow certain rules and thus being a particular type of person for mum or dad, this partly explains the restrictions we have placed on ourselves. Not forgetting how society feeds this also very well.
Reason 3: We have practiced well being constantly something that we actually are NOT! Since we were born, plus before that in the same repeated patterns of unworthiness and unloved, we have become a conditioned being that is actually not us. You see for many millions of years plus many more (of many lifetimes), you have been under a conditioned situation. This means that to delete these patterns makes it even more difficult. However not impossible!
So you see the awakening that is occurring on this planet right now is waking us up to all of this, no matter how many lifetimes you have had of trauma and the matrix conditioning, you are now deleting ALL of it! To become more open with your feelings, more honouring of your emotions and free in who and what you are.