How to start Channelling

Channelling has become larger than life in recent years, trying to understand how quantum theory explains this concept of channelling. As a channeller myself, I can say that being a source for chanelling messages from guides through the quantum is very needed for a fuller and more holistic approach to therapy. Here we tackle where to start if you are interested in channelling:

Tip #1 Remember to use protection: ask your guides in ‘the highest light and unconditional love’ to provide you with protection. Archangel Michael can be great for this.

Tip #2 Channelling works through the body: ground yourself so you can have the fullest and most open experiences with your guides and the quantum. Some tips for grounding is listening to your body, staying within, taking regular time out in nature, being barefoot in the soil, practicing being present and reducing screen time.

Tip #3 Your heart intelligence: Use the power of your heart to open yourself to other realms. Channelling occurs through the heart energy, bringing in the love vibration to channel for the highest self of all.

Tip #4 Trust: This is something that can easily trip you over especially at the beginning of your channelling journey. Don’t lose faith, this is ALL about trust! Trust whatever you see, hear or feel, even if it is just a colour. Stay with that and follow what comes next…this is how channelling begins.


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