Follow Your Joy

We have all heard that happiness is life's most crucial aspect, but are you actually happy? Joy is a fulfilment of happiness, which can always be accessed if we choose to. There are joyous moments in our lives that excite us, such as celebrations. Happiness is defined through spirituality and is said to be a chosen mindset. Joy plays the same role. So what is joy, and how can we access it? Joy is a feeling, and yes, as explained before, it can always be experienced if we choose to do so.

Understanding Joy

When connecting to my guides, I knew they strongly meant that joy is easily accessed through the heart. The key to experiencing joy is being present. It is as simple as that. By being completely present in our lives, we experience joy. Joy is never outside us, in anything or anyone but us. If we allow ourselves to be free, like a child does naturally, we experience joy. So, have you asked yourself, what are you afraid of? What is stopping you from opening yourself up to joy when it is here all the time?

Following Your Joy

One of the best downloads I have received is following your joy. By following what feels good, we end up exactly where we need to be. There are no restrictions to this, only what the mind wants to believe. For example, how will I support myself financially if I leave my job and spend more time on my art? Well, manifestation works through the heart (by feelings), so if you desire to do more art and leave your job, the universe will provide exactly what you need. Remember, your life has already been designed based on your soul, which works with your heart. Your feelings lead to where your soul (work) wants to experience. For more on this, seek soul counselling.

Embrace the Present

So be aware of any blocks to your feelings or heart, stay where you are right now in this present moment, and feel using your senses. This will lead you to your experience of joy.


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